It's voting time again in Australia and we all need to vote today or get a massive fine from the government. Nothing either party has said or done has really wow'd anyone this year and no matter which party gets into power nothing big ever changes.
This country is just too evenly divided on the major issues, even if one party makes a big change of any sort, 1 or 2 elections later it'll be changed back.
I could always vote for a third party or an independent, and Australia has some pretty hilarious ones like the Australian Sex party, and the Shooters Fishers and Farmers party.

But as a whole the electoral system is pretty boring this year, besides the usual sausage sizzle that's always at the polling locations, normally raising money for a local school or something (pretty much the only reason to head out to vote this year).
At least tonight we have another reason to drink as we wait to find out who our next Prime minister is going to be.
While waiting in line these quotes were all I could think of, that's pretty much the only reason for this post in the first place.
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