Monday, 18 July 2016

Wow Star Wars Celebration

At the moment, somewhere in the world Star Wars celebration is going on and I am loving all of the extra footage, Trailers and stories coming out of it.

There seems to be more info and announcements coming out of the Star Wars celebration than the last couple years of San Diego Comicon, we're especially excited for the season 3 of Star Wars Rebels.

A continuation of all the greatness that has come before, We've been fans of Rebels since day one and it looks like we'll be getting even more of what we love.

The Rogue One celebration reel shows us it'll be a different kind of Star Wars film than we're used to, but that isn't a bad thing, it looks good to me.

An unexpected treasure we loved hearing was the Ahsoka's untold tales panel, which gave us more of the girl we enjoyed so much in Star Wars the Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. We got to hear about the stories they wanted to tell but never got the chance to for some reason or another.

There's soo much content from the Star Wars celebration I couldn't possibly include it all, these were just some highlights of ours. If you want to check out all that was on offer be sure to visit the Star Wars Youtube account to get all the gossip.

But I guess that's enough from me about it, the Star Wars celebration has just been a major focus for us this year, we wish we had a chance to go.


Oh and if you're like me and can't get enough of your Rebels fix here's a couple extra clips from the celebration.

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