Tuesday 12 July 2016

Oh My God, It's all a ploy

What if it's all a conspiracy. Pokemon Go, the game that encourages people to go outside exploring, then flattens the battery on the phone leaving you stranded far from home without the ability to use your phone.

Oh you have a way around that do you, a portable battery pack - okay we'll do something better. Server crashes, and to top it all off game crashes just after you find something rare but before it's secured as one of yours.

Yeah yeah sounds like I'm being petty here but it is what seems to be happening, the game gets you out and about and fails in so many ways on so many levels. Like Jamie keeps saying "it feels like a BETA version" but what if that's the plan to change society and get people out experiencing the world. Once everyone's routines are molded to being outside more the app will be shut down for good. It would be the biggest prank in modern history, or a marketing stunt for another pokemon game or movie reboot (but something good) of the original game with the original 151.

Anyway, we have been posting too much about Pokemon Go, this will probably be our last post about it because frankly I've become bored with it, and also I've restarted Starcraft 2 from the start so it's fresh when I play the Legacy Of The Void.

I've been wanting to replay it ever since Jamie recently started playing, and just hearing the animatics has me longing to play it all again, such a good game and surprisingly an amazing story for a strategy game.


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