Wednesday 27 July 2016

It's been a while

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick post to let you know we haven't forgotten about the blog, we've just been crazy busy the last week and a bit.

We traveled to Brisbane to visit our friends and go house shopping. We drove up to Brisbane, so that was an ordeal with the little man in the car. Next time, we fly there!

We had an awesome time seeing all our friends, who we dub our "Brisbane Family". A lot hadn't met Connor yet so it was great to finally introduce him.

So, over the last week San Diego Comic Con was on. I'm both absolutely ecstatic about that (because wow, ALL the trailers and sneak peeks!) and absolutely saddened (first year we haven't been in quite a few years). Mostly, ecstatic though.

I'll post a summary of our thoughts on the Comic Con trailers in a few days (hopefully), but until then...

Be kind to each other.

Jamie :)

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