Thursday, 30 June 2016

Politically Correct Bandwagoners almost ruined Lady Mormont

         For me at least, I was completely loving the character, she was tough, smart (even to the point of listening to her advisers) she knew what she knew and had trusted people to advise her on what she didn't know. Her house represented power which gave weight to her words, and the actress (hats off to her) played it perfectly. Another great character from an amazing show.

           I looked forward to every time she was involved, her input was always appropriate and well weighted, and nothing seemed to phase her or bend her moral standing. (Maybe a Ned Stark parallel).

Then an article / post came up on my timeline about how brave it was in this day and age, and how much of a statement it was to have a little girl being this important or powerful a character - it destroyed the character in my mind. She's no longer a good character in a great show now she's a "Statement". I never once thought anything of gender in this show, a good character is a good character regardless of race or gender and they only enrich good storytelling.

         It's not even the first young character of power the show has ever had, every King to sit on the Iron throne since Robert Baratheon has been around her age bracket. And don't get me started on powerful women, Daenerys Targaryen, Brienne of Tarth, Cersei Lannister, Catelyn Stark, Asha Greyjoy, and recently Sansa Stark has come into her own. And lets not forget there's already been a tough little girl on the show since the first episode -   Arya Stark, yeah Arya may not have the weight to her words as Lady Mormont or the influence over people but she is still a "little girl".

             Okay I'll stop ranting, the point is the second she is pointed out as a "statement" it completely took me out of the show, it's meant to be entertainment not a political statement, just like tv shouldn't tell you how to think, but if through good storytelling over time a show changes your perception you won't even notice how you view the world differently.

           This show has always focused more on the houses standing for power than men vs women and that's why Lady Mormont works so well, her family's name is what gives her power and her upbringing has taught her how to use that power.


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