Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Mat's mini bonfire

Another tale of fun in Moura, I'd bought a four wheel drive when I started working at the mine, I suddenly had a disposable income, and after a few modifications, and fun on the local tracks, Jamie, me and a group of our friends thought going out Callide dam might be a bit of an adventure.

It was a good day, had a lot of fun trying to break my car but it turned out that Mazda make a pretty tough ute.

I didn't take a lot of pictures, this was years ago, at one point during the day we'd found a massively steep track to the top of a hill and decided we were going up it. To make sure everyone else gave it a go we laid down the gauntlet of, well we have the food and the barbecue in our car so lunch is at the top of the hill and we took off to the top.
We made some new friends that day because some of our mates brought other friends and workmates who hadn't joined our little group yet. It was supposed to turn out like any other of our days out, go exploring, do something different, come home, drink and play video games.

But between new friends, a need to wind down after a big day and a desire to keep the fun going, we invited everyone over for another barbecue but since it was winter, we were cold and I had a desire to burn things we started a mini bonfire in a half finished brick fireplace outside our house.

And the aftermath.

Turns out after a few drinks all the photos were of the fire and almost none of anyone there, (except a few of me making an ass of myself, leaving those out so I still look cool), but all around it was a great day/night that was also the start of a few amazing friendships of ours.


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