Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Winter is finally here

I could have found a more original title but ....... no, I want to be like everyone else.  Anywho...... loved watching the last episode of Game of Thrones season 6, but on thinking about it later 2 things come to mind (Oh and by the way spoiler warning)


The first thought I had was "awesome, we're finally getting everything we want which used to mean some horrible thing is going to happen any second" ......... but it didn't. That scares me, not the thought of something bad next season but the thought of getting what we want every episode - that's not the show we fell for. Hopefully things will go back to their horrible selves next season.

The second thought was about Jon Snow. The entire season people on the internet have been constantly telling us that he will end up being a Targaryen which I liked the idea of, but now that half of that fan theory has come true (Lyanna Stark being his mother) I have stopped thinking that he will be.

My thought - Baratheon - hear me out though, (I haven't read the books, this theory is only based off the show, which doesn't completely follow the books anyway) She was engaged to marry Robert Baratheon they may have had pre-maritals and whilst pregnant the whole 'kidnapping' happened. But she warned Ned that Robert would kill him I hear you say, well there could be many ways the writers could explain away that, and it would make the reveal more surprising later.

A few things to back my theory - Jon lacks the Targaryen silver/white hair but he does have the thick luscious Baratheon mane (in season one when reading about Baratheon lineage it was always hair of black) - Would also validate Melisandre in a way, she did see a Baratheon as king, and Gendry is a close blood relation now (a few drops of Gendry's blood killed Renly)  so wouldn't it mean that since Jon is older his blood would be more potent or worthy.

I know I very well might be wrong, but the show will quickly become stale if there's no mystery and it gives us what we want the whole time.  We'll have to wait and see.


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