Ok, so weeks behind the ball here, sorry about that, but I felt like we needed to read more than just the MASSIVE Rebirth one shot to give an impression in this.
So, what DID we read?
Obviously we read the large DC Rebirth one shot. Besides that, I read Flash and Batman, and Mat read Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lanterns, and Action Comics (bloody overachiever!)
Thoughts? ok. First off. That first comic though...anyone who has read that surely copped a massive dose of the feels. Particularly if you're a fan of the Flash (Wally or Barry). Beautifully drawn, more beautifully written, it has been called a "love letter to DC fans". I personally agree, it is a brilliant, almost apology, for what fans hated about the New 52 Universe.
Instead of ignoring or undoing what the New 52 built, they are bravely doing the opposite: Embracing it. The Rebirth kicks off with Wally (Kid Flash) being liberated from the speedforce by Barry, the only person who remembers who Wally is (oh the feels). Wally tells Barry that 10 years are missing from everyone's lives and that those years are where most of the worlds heroes formed their most important relationships (Arrow & Canary, Wally & Linda, Barry & Iris, etc etc etc). Wally knows that some superpower is behind this but has NO idea who. So Good Guy Barry Allen (swoon) hops on over to visit the world's greatest detective at the Batcave to see if they can work out what the hell is going on.

The end of the comic reveals the person behind all the 10 missing years shenanigans... Batman pries an embedded watchmen pin from the wall of the Batcave and there's a cut to a watch, stopped. Holy mother of God, Dr Manhattan. You never see the guy, but damn. Well played DC. Well played.
I swear if Marvel hadn't one upped everyone with the Captain America being Hydra thing that week, DC would have OWNED with that massive issue.

So off all of that epicness I was set to read my picks: Batman and Flash. I figured it would lead on directly from the launch issue. With Flash it absolutely did, and I loved every page of it. Batman on the other hand.... I thought, hey, if they're not going to focus on the Watchmen angle, then maybe it'll be about hunting down the Jokers. Nope. Calendar Man is our baddie of the moment. Now to be fair, I should give it more than one issue to judge, but I just was not drawn in to Batman like I was with Flash. Maybe I'm the only one?
I must say everything has been so beautifully drawn in these issues. I haven't come across a single art style, where I was like, "meh, it's a different take, not sure if it's the right tone". All were perfect.
Mat will probably write a stand alone post on the Green Lanterns comic as he is all about the Lanterns, and maybe he might have something to say about the other books, but for now that's all I have for you guys.
As always, feel free to share your comments, let us know your thoughts on this or any other geeky goodness. Subscribe if you'd like to know when we put up new posts (top right of screen).
Until next time, Run Barry. Run.
Jamie :)
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