Thursday, 30 June 2016
Politically Correct Bandwagoners almost ruined Lady Mormont
For me at least, I was completely loving the character, she was tough, smart (even to the point of listening to her advisers) she knew what she knew and had trusted people to advise her on what she didn't know. Her house represented power which gave weight to her words, and the actress (hats off to her) played it perfectly. Another great character from an amazing show.
I looked forward to every time she was involved, her input was always appropriate and well weighted, and nothing seemed to phase her or bend her moral standing. (Maybe a Ned Stark parallel).
Then an article / post came up on my timeline about how brave it was in this day and age, and how much of a statement it was to have a little girl being this important or powerful a character - it destroyed the character in my mind. She's no longer a good character in a great show now she's a "Statement". I never once thought anything of gender in this show, a good character is a good character regardless of race or gender and they only enrich good storytelling.
It's not even the first young character of power the show has ever had, every King to sit on the Iron throne since Robert Baratheon has been around her age bracket. And don't get me started on powerful women, Daenerys Targaryen, Brienne of Tarth, Cersei Lannister, Catelyn Stark, Asha Greyjoy, and recently Sansa Stark has come into her own. And lets not forget there's already been a tough little girl on the show since the first episode - Arya Stark, yeah Arya may not have the weight to her words as Lady Mormont or the influence over people but she is still a "little girl".
Okay I'll stop ranting, the point is the second she is pointed out as a "statement" it completely took me out of the show, it's meant to be entertainment not a political statement, just like tv shouldn't tell you how to think, but if through good storytelling over time a show changes your perception you won't even notice how you view the world differently.
This show has always focused more on the houses standing for power than men vs women and that's why Lady Mormont works so well, her family's name is what gives her power and her upbringing has taught her how to use that power.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Winter is finally here
I could have found a more original title but ....... no, I want to be like everyone else. Anywho...... loved watching the last episode of Game of Thrones season 6, but on thinking about it later 2 things come to mind (Oh and by the way spoiler warning)
The first thought I had was "awesome, we're finally getting everything we want which used to mean some horrible thing is going to happen any second" ......... but it didn't. That scares me, not the thought of something bad next season but the thought of getting what we want every episode - that's not the show we fell for. Hopefully things will go back to their horrible selves next season.

My thought - Baratheon - hear me out though, (I haven't read the books, this theory is only based off the show, which doesn't completely follow the books anyway) She was engaged to marry Robert Baratheon they may have had pre-maritals and whilst pregnant the whole 'kidnapping' happened. But she warned Ned that Robert would kill him I hear you say, well there could be many ways the writers could explain away that, and it would make the reveal more surprising later.
A few things to back my theory - Jon lacks the Targaryen silver/white hair but he does have the thick luscious Baratheon mane (in season one when reading about Baratheon lineage it was always hair of black) - Would also validate Melisandre in a way, she did see a Baratheon as king, and Gendry is a close blood relation now (a few drops of Gendry's blood killed Renly) so wouldn't it mean that since Jon is older his blood would be more potent or worthy.

I know I very well might be wrong, but the show will quickly become stale if there's no mystery and it gives us what we want the whole time. We'll have to wait and see.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
The Cape Trip: Part 1
Ok, so for anyone who isn't up with 4x4 driving in Australia most people who go 4 wheel driving will eventually want to do a 'Cape Trip' a drive to the northern most tip of Australia (the Cape York peninsula). Back when I had the Mazda BT50 it was always the plan one day, but life got in the way, I never got around to getting the car ready for a trip that big and I'd grown apart from the people I used to go 4 wheel driving with.
So recently one of the guys I work with has started planning a trip up there and was looking for some of the other guys to come along on the trip (it's not recommended to do the Cape York trip as a solo vehicle in case you need to be pulled out of tough spots). Without even thinking about it I've said yes, damn, that gave me just over 12 months to buy a 4x4 and get it prepared for a trip of this size.

It's do-able but I don't have an endless budget or endless time but I'll give it a red hot go. I bought the car a couple weeks ago, a cheap and nasty Holden Rodeo.
Now the endless list begins of what I need to do/buy/modify on the car for a trip that'll take a couple weeks of 4x4 driving and camping.
Not much to go just everything, and that list doesn't even mention the 6 leaks I found under it at work last night or the stuffed tie-rod end, all repairable, I just need to pull my finger out and get it done (doesnt help that my garage is currently taken up by another car that I've pulled the interior out of, but that's a post for another day)
Mat's mini bonfire
Another tale of fun in Moura, I'd bought a four wheel drive when I started working at the mine, I suddenly had a disposable income, and after a few modifications, and fun on the local tracks, Jamie, me and a group of our friends thought going out Callide dam might be a bit of an adventure.
It was a good day, had a lot of fun trying to break my car but it turned out that Mazda make a pretty tough ute.

I didn't take a lot of pictures, this was years ago, at one point during the day we'd found a massively steep track to the top of a hill and decided we were going up it. To make sure everyone else gave it a go we laid down the gauntlet of, well we have the food and the barbecue in our car so lunch is at the top of the hill and we took off to the top.
We made some new friends that day because some of our mates brought other friends and workmates who hadn't joined our little group yet. It was supposed to turn out like any other of our days out, go exploring, do something different, come home, drink and play video games.
But between new friends, a need to wind down after a big day and a desire to keep the fun going, we invited everyone over for another barbecue but since it was winter, we were cold and I had a desire to burn things we started a mini bonfire in a half finished brick fireplace outside our house.

And the aftermath.
Turns out after a few drinks all the photos were of the fire and almost none of anyone there, (except a few of me making an ass of myself, leaving those out so I still look cool), but all around it was a great day/night that was also the start of a few amazing friendships of ours.
It was a good day, had a lot of fun trying to break my car but it turned out that Mazda make a pretty tough ute.
I didn't take a lot of pictures, this was years ago, at one point during the day we'd found a massively steep track to the top of a hill and decided we were going up it. To make sure everyone else gave it a go we laid down the gauntlet of, well we have the food and the barbecue in our car so lunch is at the top of the hill and we took off to the top.
We made some new friends that day because some of our mates brought other friends and workmates who hadn't joined our little group yet. It was supposed to turn out like any other of our days out, go exploring, do something different, come home, drink and play video games.
And the aftermath.
Turns out after a few drinks all the photos were of the fire and almost none of anyone there, (except a few of me making an ass of myself, leaving those out so I still look cool), but all around it was a great day/night that was also the start of a few amazing friendships of ours.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
I think we're alone now
This week the little man has been brilliant at getting to sleep, which gives us more time to watch the things we want to watch. But with most of our preferred shows either ending seasons or waiting on new seasons to start it was about time we had a movie night.
This ad has had us intrigued for months, the original movie with a similar title Cloverfield was an ok idea but it's hard to get into a monster movie that's shot in that Blair Witch style (we've only ever seen one movie that's done the found footage style and been a great movie - Troll Hunter)(watch it, watch it, watch it)
But 10 Cloverfield lane was something different completely and we loved it for that. small cast who did an amazing job. I strongly recommend it to anyone who loves a good movie, I won't spoil it by saying anything more - just watch the trailer, then go and get the movie.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Injustice 2 GAMEPLAY Trailer
Hi Everyone,
Yeah I know, I already posted today, but I just found out the gameplay trailer for Injustice 2 dropped at E3 and oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh it is just one of those trailers that reverts you back to your young teen years and you sit there like "yeah!", "awww sweet", "Oh my god they have *insert character name here*",
For those that haven't yet seen it, here it is in all it's hi def glory...
Ordinarily this would be the bit where I rant about Superman and Batman but (excuse language), Fuck That Shit. The best parts of this trailer are the first appearances. We get to see Grodd, donned in his armour. We see Kara Kent (Supergirl) kicking ass and taking names. We get to see Atrocitus, which Mat was most looking forward to and damn, we are NOT disappointed. The Butcher (the being in the red power battery, if you're a Lantern fan you'll know what I'm trying to say here) looks like it's part of his Special move.
What I didn't expect, and it's a blink and you'll miss it sneaky peaky, is that they have Black Manta in this game. I'll be honest, I was so overwhelmed watching this trailer, I missed him on the first viewing and Mat was the one who was like "shit! did you see they have Manta?!".
That clip at the end though, man I love when they make Aquaman look badass. Let's be real for a moment kids. Aquaman really is a badass. So it's great to show that off in a game that will be seen by a wider audience than just the comic reading crowd. Yes, everyone SHOULD read the comics, but there is still that stigma...that's a story for another day.
So enjoy, let us know what you think in the comments, subscribe. You know the deal!
Stay Classy Puddins
Jamie :)
Yeah I know, I already posted today, but I just found out the gameplay trailer for Injustice 2 dropped at E3 and oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh it is just one of those trailers that reverts you back to your young teen years and you sit there like "yeah!", "awww sweet", "Oh my god they have *insert character name here*",
For those that haven't yet seen it, here it is in all it's hi def glory...
Ordinarily this would be the bit where I rant about Superman and Batman but (excuse language), Fuck That Shit. The best parts of this trailer are the first appearances. We get to see Grodd, donned in his armour. We see Kara Kent (Supergirl) kicking ass and taking names. We get to see Atrocitus, which Mat was most looking forward to and damn, we are NOT disappointed. The Butcher (the being in the red power battery, if you're a Lantern fan you'll know what I'm trying to say here) looks like it's part of his Special move.
What I didn't expect, and it's a blink and you'll miss it sneaky peaky, is that they have Black Manta in this game. I'll be honest, I was so overwhelmed watching this trailer, I missed him on the first viewing and Mat was the one who was like "shit! did you see they have Manta?!".
That clip at the end though, man I love when they make Aquaman look badass. Let's be real for a moment kids. Aquaman really is a badass. So it's great to show that off in a game that will be seen by a wider audience than just the comic reading crowd. Yes, everyone SHOULD read the comics, but there is still that stigma...that's a story for another day.
So enjoy, let us know what you think in the comments, subscribe. You know the deal!
Stay Classy Puddins
Jamie :)
DC Rebirth: Awesome or not?
Hi Everyone,
Ok, so weeks behind the ball here, sorry about that, but I felt like we needed to read more than just the MASSIVE Rebirth one shot to give an impression in this.
So, what DID we read?
Obviously we read the large DC Rebirth one shot. Besides that, I read Flash and Batman, and Mat read Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lanterns, and Action Comics (bloody overachiever!)
Thoughts? ok. First off. That first comic though...anyone who has read that surely copped a massive dose of the feels. Particularly if you're a fan of the Flash (Wally or Barry). Beautifully drawn, more beautifully written, it has been called a "love letter to DC fans". I personally agree, it is a brilliant, almost apology, for what fans hated about the New 52 Universe.
Instead of ignoring or undoing what the New 52 built, they are bravely doing the opposite: Embracing it. The Rebirth kicks off with Wally (Kid Flash) being liberated from the speedforce by Barry, the only person who remembers who Wally is (oh the feels). Wally tells Barry that 10 years are missing from everyone's lives and that those years are where most of the worlds heroes formed their most important relationships (Arrow & Canary, Wally & Linda, Barry & Iris, etc etc etc). Wally knows that some superpower is behind this but has NO idea who. So Good Guy Barry Allen (swoon) hops on over to visit the world's greatest detective at the Batcave to see if they can work out what the hell is going on.
Now, one of the BEST pieces of this comic happens, it is revealed that there are not one, not two, but three Jokers. Oh yeah, that's right. Three. It makes so much sense and also doesn't but by God did that draw me in like a moth to a flame. THAT alone left me hanging for this next run of Batman comics.
The end of the comic reveals the person behind all the 10 missing years shenanigans... Batman pries an embedded watchmen pin from the wall of the Batcave and there's a cut to a watch, stopped. Holy mother of God, Dr Manhattan. You never see the guy, but damn. Well played DC. Well played.
I swear if Marvel hadn't one upped everyone with the Captain America being Hydra thing that week, DC would have OWNED with that massive issue.

So off all of that epicness I was set to read my picks: Batman and Flash. I figured it would lead on directly from the launch issue. With Flash it absolutely did, and I loved every page of it. Batman on the other hand.... I thought, hey, if they're not going to focus on the Watchmen angle, then maybe it'll be about hunting down the Jokers. Nope. Calendar Man is our baddie of the moment. Now to be fair, I should give it more than one issue to judge, but I just was not drawn in to Batman like I was with Flash. Maybe I'm the only one?
I must say everything has been so beautifully drawn in these issues. I haven't come across a single art style, where I was like, "meh, it's a different take, not sure if it's the right tone". All were perfect.
Mat will probably write a stand alone post on the Green Lanterns comic as he is all about the Lanterns, and maybe he might have something to say about the other books, but for now that's all I have for you guys.
As always, feel free to share your comments, let us know your thoughts on this or any other geeky goodness. Subscribe if you'd like to know when we put up new posts (top right of screen).
Until next time, Run Barry. Run.
Jamie :)
Ok, so weeks behind the ball here, sorry about that, but I felt like we needed to read more than just the MASSIVE Rebirth one shot to give an impression in this.
So, what DID we read?
Obviously we read the large DC Rebirth one shot. Besides that, I read Flash and Batman, and Mat read Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lanterns, and Action Comics (bloody overachiever!)
Thoughts? ok. First off. That first comic though...anyone who has read that surely copped a massive dose of the feels. Particularly if you're a fan of the Flash (Wally or Barry). Beautifully drawn, more beautifully written, it has been called a "love letter to DC fans". I personally agree, it is a brilliant, almost apology, for what fans hated about the New 52 Universe.
Instead of ignoring or undoing what the New 52 built, they are bravely doing the opposite: Embracing it. The Rebirth kicks off with Wally (Kid Flash) being liberated from the speedforce by Barry, the only person who remembers who Wally is (oh the feels). Wally tells Barry that 10 years are missing from everyone's lives and that those years are where most of the worlds heroes formed their most important relationships (Arrow & Canary, Wally & Linda, Barry & Iris, etc etc etc). Wally knows that some superpower is behind this but has NO idea who. So Good Guy Barry Allen (swoon) hops on over to visit the world's greatest detective at the Batcave to see if they can work out what the hell is going on.

The end of the comic reveals the person behind all the 10 missing years shenanigans... Batman pries an embedded watchmen pin from the wall of the Batcave and there's a cut to a watch, stopped. Holy mother of God, Dr Manhattan. You never see the guy, but damn. Well played DC. Well played.
I swear if Marvel hadn't one upped everyone with the Captain America being Hydra thing that week, DC would have OWNED with that massive issue.

So off all of that epicness I was set to read my picks: Batman and Flash. I figured it would lead on directly from the launch issue. With Flash it absolutely did, and I loved every page of it. Batman on the other hand.... I thought, hey, if they're not going to focus on the Watchmen angle, then maybe it'll be about hunting down the Jokers. Nope. Calendar Man is our baddie of the moment. Now to be fair, I should give it more than one issue to judge, but I just was not drawn in to Batman like I was with Flash. Maybe I'm the only one?
I must say everything has been so beautifully drawn in these issues. I haven't come across a single art style, where I was like, "meh, it's a different take, not sure if it's the right tone". All were perfect.
Mat will probably write a stand alone post on the Green Lanterns comic as he is all about the Lanterns, and maybe he might have something to say about the other books, but for now that's all I have for you guys.
As always, feel free to share your comments, let us know your thoughts on this or any other geeky goodness. Subscribe if you'd like to know when we put up new posts (top right of screen).
Until next time, Run Barry. Run.
Jamie :)
Friday, 10 June 2016
Injustice 2
Awesome, from the makers of my favorite fighting games (Mortal Kombat) Injustice was a great game, we usually played it as part of partying or drinking fun with friends.

And now there's a second one coming out, and some of the rumors we've read so far include Gorilla Grodd and Atrocitus being playable characters.
We have high hopes for DLC especially seeing that Supergirl will be in the game, maybe a Powergirl skin or (fingers crossed) Red lantern Supergirl or Guy Gardener.
With a pool as diverse as the DC universe the possibilities are endless so we're looking forward to everything this game has to offer
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Am I an alcoholic, or just Australian?
I never used to drink, honestly, during high school there were 2 maybe 3 parties I went to where I drank, and even then only one or two drinks. Even during my apprenticeship it was only at the work Christmas parties, and one time on a TAFE excursion (the class went to the International Motor Show, but a group of us skipped out and went to the casino). But other than those few times I never drank, I didn't think I was missing out on anything.

It all started innocently enough, drinking with the guys after work on our pyjama day/night (24 hour break between day shifts and night shifts). It even worked out as a good routine, drink and party most of the night to make it easier to sleep during the day before the first night shift.

Not all the drinks for the weekend, just the spirits |
The whole time no-one seemed to even frown upon my drinking, my parents actually enjoyed being able to have a couple drinks with one of their kids (older sister is anti drinking, and younger brother has stopped after overdoing it at university).

I'm not sure what it is that has slowed me down (it happened years before Connor). I think it might be the fact that this town is too big to have that small town community feeling where everyone gets on.
It is still fun though when we organise parties or get togethers with people I work with, the younger guys who go out 'partying down the coast' on their days off are usually surprised when I drink them under the table.
I've been told that Australians drink more than most but I never really thought so, we went on a Topdeck tour in Europe a couple years back and noticed alcohol was available everywhere over there, petrol stations, grocery stores even street vendors on the side of the road, but we don't hear anything negative about the drinking habits over there. I'm just wondering really, is it that some Australians can't handle their drink and turn into idiots or do we just not hear about the drinking problems in other countries.
It might have been a long-winded post but it's just a thought I was having.
Friday, 3 June 2016
You'll thank me later
For the great song that'll be stuck in your head for days.
But they're just fun little episodes too
They were shared with me by a boilermaker on night shift and the whole crew ended up singing it all night
Because it's a guy on a buffalo - o
I just had to share
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Aliens 30th Anniversary Lootcrate Unboxing
Hi Everyone,

However, about 2 months ago I received an email from Lootcrate telling me that they were doing a one-off, no subscription required Lootcrate packed ENTIRELY with Aliens merch. Since Aliens is my favourite sci-fi, it was basically...

So lets go through this Lootcrate, shall we?!

Then you get the card letting you know what the contents of the box are. It looks like a manilla folder belonging to Burke (BOO!!!) and of course lists all the goodies.
So what did we get?
First things first, you always get a t-shirt and I am SO happy it was this one. The Bugstomper logo is pretty iconic and since I do very regularly quote the pilot (Ferro), the logo from the side of her ship is so awesome for me to now have in shirt form.

Regardless of which poster it is, it's awesome. I'm pretty sure we will put this somewhere in the garage where Mat has a Green Lantern tin sign and Futurama tin sign. Truly this is worthy of joining the collection!
Ok, next we have a vinyl figure. I expected a vinyl figure as Crates we've had in the past have always included one, but I did not expect it to be a 6.5" figure! This thing is awesome. It's the Aliens era xenomorph and it's completely glow-in-the-dark. I probably should have charged it up and taken a photo with the lights out to really show this off, but I'm lazy so...
Is it weird that I find this figure really cute?
Then again I do have a plush of this, plus a plush of the facehugger, so no, that's probably not that weird.
ok, moving on! Xenomorph eggs with facehuggers. We received a carton (yep, like an egg carton) of 4 little eggs, some hatched, some intact, with glow-in-the-dark facehuggers included. Now, that would have been really exciting, except these were released in a 6 pack back in December and we already bought those. Whoops. They're still awesome, and our 6 pack of eggs doesn't glow, so that's something different at least.

I'm not sure I'm game to unwrap this from the plastic, it's so pretty, but then I want the stories inside. If I ever get some reading time I might peel the film off this and go for it.

So was it worth the money, especially since shipping to Australia is costly? As a big fan of the franchise, I say yes. However, if I wasn't that huge a fan, or if I wasn't into comics or vinyl figures, I'd steer clear. That advice really goes for any of these one-off crates that they bring out.
To wrap this up, I might as well throw in the pic of Abby, our German Shepherd, meeting the facehugger for the first time.
Game Over Man, Game Over.
Jamie :)
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