Having a baby in the house has strongly influenced the daytime television viewing, at first this was an annoyance, I hated this show at first - could not stand it - but Connor loved it and we cannot take it away from him because I don't like it.
But the more I see of this show the more I enjoy hating it, it's not without it's charm but it also raises some interesting questions about the world they live in.
PUT YOUR DAMN PANTS BACK ON PANDO - This kid, this frustrating annoyance of a kid who takes off his pants every time he arrives anywhere. And its intentional - a cartoon character doesn't need pants but they went to the effort of animating pants then taking them off. I mean ... murder is a strong word but that kid needs some sort of punishment. But nooooo the minder just picks the pants off the ground and folds them up. This above all else is my number one gripe with the show - I even looked it up for some sort of explanation - the creators of the show want to portray all kinds of children, apparently 1/5 of all children are streakers in their experience.

Is slavery alive and well in the animal society? I long for Flops patience, no matter how dumb or selfish Bing's shenanigans are he always keeps his cool and sorts out all situations calmly. But why? when we get down to the extremes of Bing's "things" (it's a bing thing) he has been guilty of theft, destruction of property and just generally being a dick sometimes. No matter what, Flop never even raises his voice, I'm not saying yes or no to the occasional smack but not even a raised voice, even when Bing knows he's done wrong and tries to cover it up. Is he scared of repercussions from the grown up animals? His race are shorter than the children, enslaving a race smaller than your own children wouldn't be that hard if you think about it. Also even the sock people who don't directly mind children all know the kids names, as if they're entire sock society (sockciety) is a front to keep these special children from seeing how big the real world is.
I know, I know, I think it's weird to talk about conspiracy theories on a kids show but if I'm stuck with it on the TV my brain needs to think of something
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