This is going to be another post where I've put way too much thought into a children's show on tv. For those not familiar with the show 6 people live and work in this one town square together and mischief ensues. Each has their own job which they are responsible for( food preparation, mail delivery, gardening, fixing anything and everything). No-one ever does the other persons job and everything runs smoothly.
They never go anywhere else or have visitors from outside their little world, combine that with the fact they all have their roles and never deviate or even think to try anything new, almost like a commune sharing everything they have and never arguing about the jobs they do. I think they're part of some sort bio-enclosure.
Even though the Futurama Pauly Shore says "that the whole bio-enclosure concept is fundamentally flawed. Be it expressed via dome, sphere, cube or even a stately tetrahedron, buddy!" - I think the people of hoopla doopla have found a way.

Zap - I think he might have been one of the originals, rather than moving from point A to point B in a straight line he always takes the more obscure path (flips, unicycle). He's the mail delivery person, the packages he delivers arrive on his doorstep overnight almost as if by magic (probably from the outside world). The only way to keep their lives sustainable would be a little assistance from the outside (you can't make everything you need within the dome).

Jango - Is made out to be the idiot street sweeper of the group, but he might be the most important of the lot. Obviously a little kookier than the others, he has been living here the longest (maybe the founder). No one ever gets mad when he screws things up, eats all the food, needlessly presses the alarm button repeatedly. That might prove that he out ranks them and they don't want to be kicked out.
Another idea why he gets away with everything could be a bit darker - he may be an actual psychopath - some new breed of eco terrorist who stowed away before the doors were locked, who's love of the environment is so deep that he truly believes that if this experiment fails the world could be in jeopardy, a belief that might have led him to kill the last person who's responsibility was entertainment (maybe a joke making light of the bio-dome). Ziggy was the original street sweeper but had to learn magic tricks, entertainment is more important than cleanliness, and Jango merely took up the slack left by Ziggy's promotion.
So the little show about some lucky people living in a bio-tetrahedron with a psychopath, who are all capable of circus grade acrobatics, is a winner in my books (because Connor loves it).
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