Saturday 28 May 2016

What's In A Name

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick post to explain our name, i.e. "Daddy Didn't Think This Through".
Mat and I LOVE our obscure references and inside jokes and this is just one that's followed us for a while. This came from an episode of American Dad and we just kept on quoting it so, yeah, it's as simple as that! Still makes us giggle.

Mat and I are working on a couple of other posts at the moment, including one about how we got our two dogs, one about *shudder* Bayformers, and I'm eventually going to put together one on our thoughts about the DC Rebirth event that happened last week.

As always, if you want to comment on any of our posts, feel free to do so, we'd love to hear from you. We now also have figured out how to get the darn subscribe function to work, so if you want to know when we've posted, just pop your email into the box at the top right of the blog page and apparently some magical internet fairies will let you know when there's something new.

Ok, that's all for now.

Jamie :)

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