Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Suicide Squad

Hi Everyone,

So we just saw Suicide Squad. Now I don't know what the hell movie 99% of reviewers saw, but we LOVED what we watched! I was honestly prepared for another BvS, but was thankfully surprised.

Now I might cop some hate for this (meh, so be it) but I'm a big fan of the Amanda Conner, New 52 Harley Quinn comics. It's my guilty little pleasure comic that never fails to make me giggle. That said, I also enjoy the classic Harley comics and of course her representation in Batman The Animated Series. I am also a reader of Suicide Squad and New Suicide Squad and I love the path she's taken throughout the series. I think she's cheeky, brash, rough around the edges, but also loving and fiercely loyal. I think that really was captured well by the writers, director and of course Margot Robbie.
There were always going to be people who hated it because it's not a cinematic masterpiece. But no shit, what did you expect here? It's the f-ing Suicide Squad! If you've ever read a Suicide Squad comic, it IS chaotic and disjointed. That's the whole point. So whether it was deliberately put together that way by David Ayer, or it's just a happy coincidence, we thought that was perfect Comic to Screen.

Ok, now into actual spoiler territory. So if you haven't seen the movie and don't want it spoiled. blah blah blah, you know the rest. THIS IS YOUR SPOILER WARNING:
So many little fan service or comic references in this film that made us smile. I was so happy with Harley. A lot of people aren't but I'm just so pleased. People are also ripping on Leto's Joker, but really, the only thing I can fault is that I'm still not a fan of the grill. I can look past the tattoos, but those teeth. Blergh! I thought the relationship was great between Harley and Mr. J and that the flashbacks and origin story were so well done. The Harley/Batman kiss made me smile in particular. But oh wow! Did anyone else see in the flashback the blatant reference to the Alex Ross cover of Harley Quinn? You know the one...
Yeah, this one. If I wasn't in a cinema with other people I think I would've let out a little squee. Whoever thought of putting in that little few seconds of footage of Leto and Robbie dressed EXACTLY as this cover, bravo, standing ovation, two thumbs up....yeah you get what I'm saying.

Now I need a moment to talk about Boomer. He's been well represented (Assault on Arkham) and poorly represented (Arrow. Seriously WTF with that interpretation. No! Bad Berlanti-verse!) and this was thankfully in the well done category. Jai Courtenay did an awesome job playing Captain Boomerang. I just wish he had more screen time. I really like the variety of boomerangs he had. It wasn't just the boring old sharpened boomerangs.

Ok, this is getting to be a super long post so I'll just quickly go over the rest of my points.

Croc was awesome, got heaps to do in the film, but more dialogue would have been nice. And yes, Croc, you are beautiful! I thought Katana was wonderful and we wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't get a standalone movie out of this. Rick Flag ultimately gaining unspoken respect for Deadshot was well executed on screen. Enchantress was alright, but her brother wasn't totally necessary for the plot except to supply her with energy and well, to be a way for El Diablo to bite the dust/be redeemed in some way. That bar scene...seeing the characters react the way they did to Diablo's failings was very interesting and great viewing. I loved Boomer's saddened/disgusted, Deadshot not knowing what to say, and Harley's outrage. It really showed a lot about the true values for them. Oh, which reminds me... CONSPIRACY THEORY TIME!!!

I found an article/review online that also supported this theory of mine, so... in the "joker lying on the ground surrounded by guns" scene, there's baby clothes in that flat lay. It looks odd yes? like, odd even for the Joker, odd. Harley was also MEGA pissed at Diablo for even thinking he could have a normal life and have kids without them being hurt/killed. THEN in her "fantasy sequence" we see her and Mr J all happy families with twin babies. SO.........was Harley pregnant at some stage and lost her babies? Is this something we'll see fleshed out in future movies? Any Harley fan will tell you that in the Injustice universe, Harley has a daughter called Lucy that the Joker doesn't know about so maybe the writers used that as a jumping off point? Clearly all speculation.

can't half tell that I'm super pumped after seeing this movie... sorry for all the ramblings.

I'll finish this on one last notable mention.
Amanda Fucking Waller.
Viola Davis IS Amanda Waller. No shit. She is amazing and just so perfectly written it was like the comic came to life. She's ruthless and brutal and strong and takes no shit from anyone. So perfect. I need a sequel just for more Waller. And that after credits scene was perfectly ripped from the final scenes in Assault on Arkham and I couldn't be happier. She's such a badass.

So, I'm all done now. What did you all think about it? Comment, Subscribe, let us know you're out there.
Until next time...

Love ya Puddins!

Jamie :)

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