Thursday, 31 March 2016

Who the?

Hi Everyone,

After Mat's post I thought I should introduce us. Tough task. I could write forever, but that would be boring as hell.
I was going to list all the things we are into, but that list is LONG and it will be more fun to have separate posts for each of the fandoms so stay tuned for that.

This post then will be a brief intro to who we are, what we do for a living, and the general day to day introductory questions people might ask.

Who are we?
Well, I'm Jamie. I live with Mat who, if you have read the previous post, is my husband, and we have a baby boy, Connor. We've been a couple since high school and have shared a love of comics, cartoons, video games, tv shows, movies and music.
We are children of the 80s (both born 1984), so having grown up in the "rise of the consoles" we love our video games, although there's not a lot of time for that anymore.
Oh, and in case you're wondering about our "weird" spelling or mannerisms, we live in Australia. In other words, if you live in North America, some words might look like they are spelled incorrectly.

I'm currently on Maternity Leave from my job but when I go back, I'm the Senior Geologist for a mining company. Mat works as a Diesel Fitter (Mechanic) for a Heavy Machinery manufacturer, and he mostly works at mine sites.

We have 2 dogs, Abby and Bella (more on them in future posts).

Yep. We have a Mazda CX5 as our daily driver and a 1975 Mazda 929 with a rotary engine as the sunday driver. I'm sure Mat will talk (at length) about that in a future post. That car is HIS baby.

Favourite Holiday Spot?
San July...during Comic Con

Ok, I could go on and on and on (I tend to do that...sorry), so I'll leave it at that for now.

Until next time


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