Saturday 7 January 2017

Camping with the mazda

  This year our work crew organised a bush camping trip as our Christmas party which was a great idea, the only problem - my 4x4 was off the road (engine rebuild), but I wasn't going to miss out on the fun. So I took my 1975 Mazda for a bit of rally driving.

The car never missed a beat and dirt road driving was fun, the only downfall was that there wasn't much room for camping gear, food and drinks but I managed.

It was good fun but next time I'll be better prepared


We are still here

It's been far too long since our last post on here, but life in general seems to be hectic for everyone come the end of the year and this whole 'parenting' thing just adds to the fun.

Connor is doing great by the way, he discovered he can walk on Christmas day which made it so much more exciting, the downside being now he wants to have me hold his hand to help him wander the house looking for mischief to get up too.

Our families have also come to stay with us for a few days just after Christmas which is always a joy (there isn't a sarcasm font so I used italics). It's not like we don't appreciate the effort of coming out to our neck of the woods, but because I work a 24/7 rotating roster I only get 2 weekends off every month. No one wants to visit while I'm working and between my family, Jamie's' Mum, my brother and Jamie's sister that's 4 separate weekends taken by visits (not including friends who we actually prefer coming to visit). It's just frustrating not getting time to ourselves.

OK I'm done complaining, this is more of a post just to say things are going well and we will still post on here whenever we get the chance.

PS - we'll probably follow this post up with some others on what has kept us too busy, so if you're interested keep an eye out for future posts.


Wednesday 9 November 2016

Connor is 1

Hi Everyone,

I know. We haven't posted a thing in ages. I'd say that we've been "really busy" but, let's face it, you can make time. So let's just say we've been lazy, we're sorry and move on. Ok? sweet.

So last month Connor turned 1. I honestly can't believe it's been a year. Every parent says it, but it's so true, he's just grown so quickly, and the time has flown by.

This post is just going to document some of his milestones and include a few snaps from his birthday. Probably more for us than for our audience, but since the blog name is "Two geeks and a baby" we should include the baby in some posts, yeah?

Typically what I hear from friends and family is that we should've had a massive celebration for Connor's birthday, but that requires a lot of planning and a lot of people coming to visit us. We didn't have the patience or want for either of those, so we just had a small family celebration: Mat, me, Connor and the dogs. Now some might find that strange, but we live a good 4 hour drive from any of our family, so that's part of the situation there.

It was so good though that it wasn't a stressful weekend. It was just us, watching tv, playing with toys, reading new books. Perfect.

Apparently, cardboard boxes are fun to play with. He made his own little fort out of one of them. He did love his toys though. Wiggles guitar, lots of trucks and cars and a TONNE of books. This kid loves to flick the pages of books and loves us reading to him. Definitely going to encourage that!

Mat made a cake for Connor that was just so cute. Admittedly, Connor did get upset that he wasn't allowed to touch the candle, but you get that.

I love this little munchkin more than I've loved anything. Ever. But that's the way it's supposed to be.

Until next time,

Jamie :)

Thursday 22 September 2016

Rick and Morty

Just a quick post, started watching Rick and Morty yesterday because I wanted to see what the fuss is all about, I liked it, the simplest way I could put it is - it is to Bob's Burgers what futurama was to the Simpsons, similar animation styles, and the same sarcastic style comedy like Bob's burgers with a Sci-Fi twist. A fun ride.


We were sucked into a void

Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood, it's the reason we haven't written any posts lately, after I'd binged Black Lagoon recently I ended up looking up lists of other good or under rated anime and this came up a few times. Seeing as I was on a day off I decided to watch an episode or 2, if it was good I'd watch with Jamie and if it was just ok I'd watch in my own free time.

The first episode was fun and kind of good but didn't wow me, but the second episode cemented with me that this show is an experience to share, so every free moment we've had together(while bubs sleeping/napping) was spent watching and I cannot emphasize enough how much we enjoyed it.

I'm sure at some point Jamie will probably want to talk about it, maybe do a review (or I might talk more) but for now I just wanted to put it out there that this is an amazing show, with great characters, themes and stories set in a fun world. Yeah sure it has some of those kooky anime gags which I usually aren't a fan of but they provide some much needed levity considering how dark some of the stories become, and I mean DARK.

 Special mention has to go out to the Armstrong's, they may not have been the main characters but we always loved seeing them on screen.
If I go on much more I could risk spoiling the show for anyone who hasn't seen it. We loved it and would recommend it to anyone looking for another good anime.


Friday 2 September 2016

Site of the Month: Saberforge

Ok, I'm late putting this one out. August was really busy for me getting ready to go back to work after a year on leave. I've been thinking a bit about this and by far the site of the month for me is:

Mat and I are Star Wars fans, I mean clearly.
In the last few years, we stumbled across people with the most amazingly realistic sabers when we were at Cons, so Mat looked into it and found this little gem of a business. They started out on Etsy (in fact the store still exists on Etsy if you want to check that out too), but the website I've linked allows you to essentially customise a saber of your own.

Mat ordered one last year and when we got it, I mean wow. The thing is just so damn amazing. We got a green coloured blade and a soundboard. When the saber is on, the soundboard emits the standard lightsaber hum we all know, BUT, when you "battle" with it (swing it around, strike it against something) it is so responsive and the sounds emitted are just spot on movie accurate. There is also an added sound if you press the on button while the blade is on, which sounds like when a saber deflects a blaster shot. AMAZING!!!

Connor was super impressed with it too.

The site had a special on a few months ago, so I scored myself a saber. It hasn't arrived yet but I'm super excited. I got two light options for mine though: plain white (like Ahsoka) and then a multi colour one that will allow me to switch between colours.

The hilts are exceptionally well made, and as heavy as you would expect a lightsaber to be. Since Mat's one had the exposed crystal though, we must warn you, while it looks awesome, the crystal can get quite hot and it is a bit cumbersome to hold and swing the saber with the crystal chamber in the way. Still #noregrets

They are on instagram and YouTube as well if you want to check out some of the designs, but the website is very comprehensive.

But Jamie, I hear you say, I don't have a lot of cash to burn on this and they are so expensive!
Look, I know. It's a LOT for what some people would see as a toy. All I can say is that these are handmade excellence. They are customisable, and there's a lifetime guarantee on the blade component (within reason, pretty sure if you took a belt sander to it, they wouldn't replace it). This is an investment, but we have been really happy with what we've seen from them. Plus you don't have to buy the absolute top-of-the-line one.

I just want to note as well that this is in no way a paid endorsement. I have no affiliation with the brand at all, I just like their stuff.

ok, now that disclaimer is over, I'll attach a few pics of some of the sabers.

As always, if you like our blog, please subscribe via the little email box on the top right of the page, or leave us a comment letting us know you exist. we'd love to hear from you.

May the force be with you, always,

Jamie :)

The unexpectedly awesome show

Every now and then you come across a show or fandom by accident, you hadn't heard much or anything about it but after starting to watch you're hooked. With Stranger Things having come out on Netflix to this kind of response by most (including us) I thought I'd talk about a little Anime which took me by surprise a few years ago and this week I rewatched (binged) it all over again.

Black Lagoon, I cannot express how much I love this show enough, on the surface it's an ultra-violent show about a small crew working out of the city of Roanapur in South East Asia, but if you scratch the surface there's so much more there, I won't spoil the experience for anyone. I'd prefer you all go watch it.
The show overall is about the Lagoon company, a transport/acquisition/mercenary crew based in the city of Roanapur, the city itself is run by several different mafia/organised crime groups yet our crew keep pretty neutral throughout the show.

We are introduced to this world through Roc, we follow him from Japanese business man to becoming part of this 'world of shadows'

Roc's journey is a great story but for me it's the supporting cast who really make this world amazing, the leaders of the gangs (if you could call them gangs) and the other people they meet along their missions. Also almost every woman in these seasons are terrifying, powerful women who take no shit from anyone. 

The action in the show is amazing, I'd almost watch it for that alone but the moments of levity and the scripting is just so good as well though, keeping me enthralled even when the shooting stops.
Some of the characters worth a mention - Well there's the Lagoon crew. From left to right - Benny (tech guy), Roc, Revy (hired gun) and Dutch (it's his boat and his company).
Then there's the heads of the organised criminal groups of Roanapur, most notably Balalaika, she's the head of Hotel Moscow, an ex-soviet military unit turned mafia.

It's a great show that I'd love more of if they ever decide to create more, as it is, there are 3 seasons: 

Black Lagoon - the first season introduces you to the world and the main players through the jobs taken by the crew.

Second Barrage - the second season focuses more on Roc and Revy, Roc trying to make a difference in the world of shadows he has become a part of, we get a fair bit of growth and character development on their parts. It is a slower season (less missions/ jobs, more just one or two long jobs).

Roberta's blood trail - the third season is shorter than the others but without a doubt amazing. The crew become tangled up in a mess involving a maid, Colombian cartels, the American military, and a high born Venezuelan family and Roc starts coming into his own playing the situation like a game with the people involved being his chess pieces.   

Watch and enjoy the show, yeah it is pretty violent but there's a whole lot more as well.

Would love to hear what you all think about it. Comment and let us know!