I know. We haven't posted a thing in ages. I'd say that we've been "really busy" but, let's face it, you can make time. So let's just say we've been lazy, we're sorry and move on. Ok? sweet.
So last month Connor turned 1. I honestly can't believe it's been a year. Every parent says it, but it's so true, he's just grown so quickly, and the time has flown by.

Typically what I hear from friends and family is that we should've had a massive celebration for Connor's birthday, but that requires a lot of planning and a lot of people coming to visit us. We didn't have the patience or want for either of those, so we just had a small family celebration: Mat, me, Connor and the dogs. Now some might find that strange, but we live a good 4 hour drive from any of our family, so that's part of the situation there.
It was so good though that it wasn't a stressful weekend. It was just us, watching tv, playing with toys, reading new books. Perfect.

Apparently, cardboard boxes are fun to play with. He made his own little fort out of one of them. He did love his toys though. Wiggles guitar, lots of trucks and cars and a TONNE of books. This kid loves to flick the pages of books and loves us reading to him. Definitely going to encourage that!
Mat made a cake for Connor that was just so cute. Admittedly, Connor did get upset that he wasn't allowed to touch the candle, but you get that.

I love this little munchkin more than I've loved anything. Ever. But that's the way it's supposed to be.
Until next time,
Jamie :)